Sunday, September the 6th

Sundays are not usually scheduled, and so it depends to a large extent on each family what plans  are to be made and shared. We go to Mass in the morning , and the fact that most churches have got a carpark helps a lot, as we do not have to spend a lot of time parking if the church we go to is far from our house. Most of them xerox each day’s liturgy, which makes things easier and helps us be more active during the ceremony, apart from improving our English. Here is an example.


Lunchtime is another moment that enables us to improve our English, because we have the opportunity of sharing a meal with them. Then, we can chat and practice. Our Irish ‘brothers, sisters and parents’ correct our mistakes and help us show a much better way of communicating, which enriches our stay in Ireland by leaps and bounds. In the evening we all have different activities, which range from watching TV to going fishing in the sea or having a walk in the mountain. There’s a beautiful scenery up there!


In the evening we usually get our schoolbags ready to commence a new week. Back to school!!